Red Room

Category     Duration     Tool / Material    
3D; Design; Development 2021 @ New York University C#; Unity; Blender; Shapr3D; Nomad; Photoshop; Mixamo

Is the Red Room the reception room of Black Lodge, or is it an opportunity for self-examination? Is this a dream or reality? When fear, love, rage, and desire begin to burn, FIRE WALK WITH ME. Inspired by Twin Peaks directed by David Lynch, I combine my own experience and understanding and recreate this famous scene with several interactions in Unity. 

> operation
>> W, A, S, D - control walking
>> ⬆️, ⬇️, ⬅️, ➡️ - control camera's view angle
>> the coffee cup can be clicked
>> the arm (pink flesh) can be clicked
>> F - shift scene, fire, music

> sound
>> cup hitting the table surface
>> footsteps
>> arm (pink flesh) speaking
>> music by Angelo Badalamenti

> other
>> record the sound of cup hitting table by using my real coffee cup
>> people in the red room talk backward, to reproduce it, I recite “Is this a dream?” into a recorder and play it backward. And then I recite it backwards, and reverse it back to the normal order
>> the blue rose means paranormal nature



